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[EHA2014]黄晓军教授对话EHA主席Christine Chomienne教授
作者:黄晓军|C.Chomienne 编辑:肿瘤瞭望 时间:2014/7/14 16:37:13
 关键字:白血病 单倍型造血干细胞移植 
  Oncology Frontier  : Professor Huang, you just made a speech on the strategy of optimized haploidentical transplantation, and the successful transplantation across the HLA barrier.  The treatment is recognized worldwide.  Can you please talk about the transplantation model?
  Professor Huang  : Actually I think transplantation is one of the most effective and sometimes most curative therapy for many kinds of hematological malignancies.  Actually it is a really big problem, at least in the last 15 to 20 years.  As explained by Dr. Bacigalupo we now have several forms that have identical transplantation so the time where everyone can have a donor is arriving.
  Oncology Frontier  : President Chomienne, what is your comment on transplantation strategies?
  President Chomienne : I completely agree.  Transplantation is for the moment one of the rare cures of hematological diseases and that the registries for the donors are crucial and therefore the attempt and the resources of the clinical trials are very important.
  Oncology Frontier  : Thank you.  Last question, what is your dream for the future of the EHA?
  President Chomienne : My dream for the future of EHA is to continue to have as many countries participating in our congress and also that outside of the congress we continue to all work together and that the clinical trials and the research programs are not limited to just one country or one continent.


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